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  • Chair all membership, executive board and special meetings.

  • Appoint all chairs to standing committees with approval of the Executive Board. Shall make sole appointment to the position of chaplain, parliamentarian and historian.

  • Ex-officio and non-voting member on all committees except the Nomination Committee.

  • Make decisions in emergency cases.

  • Be the primary signature authorization for signing checks.

  • Authorized to spend up to $100.00 in cases of emergency expenses without prior approval of the board or membership body but shall account for all expenditures. 

Vice President ​

  • Preside over meetings in the absence of the President.

  • Coordinate membership development

  • In the event that the position of President is vacant, shall immediately assume the full duties of the President.        


Recording Secretary 

  • Record and prepare written minutes of all meetings.

  • Maintain a journal of all minutes organized by calendar year. The journal for the previous year shall be present at each meeting for reference.

  • Maintain original copy of the constitution with the current journal and made available at each meeting. 

  • Shall prepare official correspondence for President signature or designee. Shall make a report of all correspondences received and identify those requiring action. Upon request, read correspondence before the membership body.

  • Preside over meetings in the absence of the President and Vice-President. 


  • Is the Chief Financial Officer and co-signs checks with the President’s signature. Shall receive all monies from the financial secretary and make deposits into the bank. 

  • Prepare checks and maintain a ledger for disbursement under two signatures. 

  • Prepare and present treasurer reports at each meeting or upon request of the President.

  • Shall keep no more than $50.00 in a petty cash fund. Shall prepare cash receipts for all expenses paid with petty cash.

  • Submit treasurer records, complete and in good order, to the Audit Committee by February of each year.

  • Carry out the duties of the Financial Secretary duties until the position is filled. 

Financial Secretary ​

  • Maintain financial records and receipts of all financial transactions.

  • Prepare, distribute and maintain receipts for all monies collected/received and for all monies disbursed. 

  • Shall submit financial records, complete and in good order, to the Audit Committee by February of each year. 

  • Shall be a signature authority for signing checks only in the absences of the treasurer. 

Sergeant -At- Arms 

  • Maintain attendance records and verify when a quorum is present for each meeting. 

  • Verify if members are eligible to vote (for motions and election of officers).

  • Responsible for maintaining order at all meetings.

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